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4 Good Reasons Why You Should Get A Professionally Taken Headshot

Are you thinking about getting your headshot taken? Are you trying to decide whether you should get a professional headshot or just do it yourself?

If you’re looking to enhance your personal brand, a professional headshot should be at the top of your to-do list. A headshot can showcase the best version of yourself to prospective clients and open you up to more opportunities.

If you are in Chicago and want to get your professional headshots, Chicago has many options for you. To find a Chicago headshot photographer or studio near you, you can go online and look up “professional headshots Chicago” or “Chicago headshot photographer.” The search results will give you listings of names and places you can visit to get it done.

If you’re still on the fence, here are four reasons to get a professional headshot:

1. To boost your professional profile

When looking for a job, your educational background, work history, and credentials usually play the biggest roles in the hiring process. But, including a headshot can help, too by making you stand out from the rest of the applicants. It makes your profile easier to remember because recruiters and prospective clients have a face to put to a name. Having professional headshots taken also shows employers that you are serious about your career and that you will go the extra mile in everything you do.

2. To give a glimpse of your personality

A good headshot gives others an idea of what your personality is like even before they meet you. A smile can represent friendliness, approachability, and warmth. A serious face can portray strength, determination, and confidence. So before getting your headshot, you should decide how you want to come across. Think of what facial expression will best portray who you are as a professional.

3. To show what you look like now

When sending out your resume, you should include a current headshot and not something taken five or 10 years ago. If your resume has a 10-year-old headshot and you come in for an interview, the interviewer might not recognize you from your application. A lot of things can change in 10 years, both in your appearance and in the quality of the photography. Having an updated headshot will ensure you are representing yourself accurately and in the best possible quality.

4. To make you feel more confident

A professional headshot photographer knows exactly how to light and pose their subjects to make them look their best. While you may have to provide the wardrobe and grooming, a professional will advise you on what the best clothing and hair style is for your photos. While you want a headshot that accurately represents you, factors such as lighting, camera quality and color correction can make the different between a memorable photo and one that is looked over. While it might seem like an unnecessary expense, seeing yourself in a professional photo will give you a boost of confidence that is sure to carry over into your future interviews. 

For More Information Visit Chicago portrait photographer or visit our website torisoper.com.

Thursday, 15 July 2021